Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Happy Birthday father dear!

This weekend was my dad's 57th Birthday, I can't believe that he is that old.. With my parents gone it really makes you reflect on life and how much you depend on your family and parents for the little things. I miss my parents so much but I know that they are doing the lords work and will be rewarded for there service someday. Happy Birthday Dad I hope it was a great one. Here are some things that make my dad wonderful.

1. He is always dragging us to some weird concert where I end up being the youngest one in the room by 25 years, but in the end I love it.

2. He gives so much of himself not just for the mission but for other things as well. I remember once we where in Cali eating at Joe's crab shack and two Marines sat at the table next to us to eat. When we left dad pulled about $60 out of his wallet and gave it to them and said "thank you for your service" and walked out. I was so impressed by this small act of kindness and appreciation for these men who risk everything to keep our country free.

3. HIs endless banjo playing trying to make it perfect (which I miss these days now that the house empty)

4. The trip with Marty which seemed to never end, the phrase "I want to be a cowboy" will never have the same meaning to me ever again. Now looking back it was a great trip.

5. How much he does for me as a daughter I never felt left out or over looked because I was a girl he always made the effort to spend time with me and do those things that fathers should do with their daughters.

What can I say I love my dad he is the most amazing man that I could ever know and will forever be blest to have him in my life...

1 comment:

Pedaling said...

what a very sweet birthday wish. you do have a great dad, what a lucky girl you are.
and i love that pic of the 2 of you.